Super king size quilt cover set
Update: Some retailers in Australia are now offering a mattress they call a super king size. But it isn’t. It’s actually a California king size – an American standard that is wider than our regular king size. We love how these mattress sellers confuse our customers. Take care buying super king sheets online and check the dimensions carefully!
Recently we’ve noticed some new sizes creeping into the bed linen market: the super king and super queen sizes. We’ve only seen one kind of super king but there are two different sizes both claiming to be super queen, so be careful buying super queen bed sheets online.
Super King Size
Super king size is easy. It’s the same 182 cm width and 203 cm length as a regular king but it’s taller than a regular king. Instead of being around 35 cm tall, a super king mattress can be up to 50 cm tall. A regular mattress with a topper can also be around this size. Being taller, the super king generally needs 50 cm deep wall fitted sheets. You can see our deep wall king size fitted sheets by clicking here.
California King Size
Whatever your mattress retailer might want you to believe, a mattress that is 203 cm wide and 203 cm long is a California king size. It’s an American standard size that has started to catch on in Australia. It won’t fit into a lot of bedrooms, especially in older houses, and it can be hard to find bed linen to suit. It isn’t a super king, and you need to check sizes carefully to make sure you’re buying the right size.
Super Queen Size
Super queen gets a bit tricky because there are two different sizes. A regular queen size is 152 cm wide and 203 cm long and about 35 cm tall. The first super queen size fitted sheet we encountered was in between queen and king sizes at 167 cm wide. We’ve never seen a mattress to match this size in Australia but they may be out there. On the other hand – and this one is more common – a super queen is usually taller like the super king at around 50 cm tall. You can find our range of deep wall fitted sheets to suit a super queen size bed here.
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